Manufacturer independent for mixed fleets
Lower Costs

Fleet Analysis at a Glance

From gut feeling to facts!
The FFZ-KPI – in conjunction with the Load Sensor – provides new insights into the efficiency of the industrial truck fleet.
Because fleet management is not rocket science!
Quelle: VDI Report 2011, Zahlen für Werk Germersheim
Volkswagen OTLG
Quelle: Job Report 2015, Zahlen OTLG deutschlandweit
Lower costs due to less impact damage: The basis for this is the Personal Transponder and the patented Crash Sensor. Every login and every crash are documented in the logbook of the software. With appropriate permissions, controllers can read out who operated the device and, if necessary, who caused damage. The cost of impact damage in industrial plants and warehouses can be immense. Not only the forklift can be damaged but the peripherals, e.g. high racks and fire protection gates. These costs can be much higher than those of the damage to the forklift.
The ‘crash-cloud‘ with the records of the Crash Sensors shows significantly fewer events after the introduction of Mobile Easykey (blue vertical line):
Reduce Forklift Costs
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Sebastian Bick, specialist for digital assets, in conversation about reducing forklift costs (in German language)

Fleet Size
The all-important question for the fleet manager is: How many vehicles does the operation actually need? In more than 20 years of Mobile Easykey, the software has not once shown that there are too few forklifts in the company. The analysis shown here is a typical example. The yellow line shows the powered vehicles and the green line which are actually used. A quarter of the fleet could be shut down immediately.
Keine Lust zu lesen? 42 Sekunden Video (GER)!

Sebastian Bick, specialist for digital assets, in conversation about reducing forklift costs (in German language)

Declining impact damages and fleet sizes are important sustainability factors. In the case of fuel power units, the Presence Detection also reduces energy consumption. The shutdown takes place after a freely definable period. In electric vehicles, the Electrolyte Sensor protects the batteries from low levels. The Mobile Easykey product itself can also be described as sustainable, simply because of its long service life. The modules can be easily removed and refitted on purchase of a new forklift.
Keine Lust zu lesen? 24 Sekunden Video (GER)!

Sebastian Bick, specialist for digital assets, in conversation about reducing forklift costs (in German language)

Dynamic maintenance planning also contributes to increased sustainability. This does not take place at rigid intervals, i.e. not after six or twelve months, but according to effective hours of use. This saves maintenance costs and, of course, downtime, in which vehicles are in the workshop and cannot be used. And: Regularly maintained forklifts have a longer service life!
Keine Lust zu lesen? 44 Sekunden Video (GER)!

Sebastian Bick, specialist for digital assets, in conversation about reducing forklift costs (in German language)
Some forklifts have reached their contractually agreed maximum hours of use well before the end of the lease. Others are returned to the lessor with half of the possible hours. The Mobile Easykey software offers an exact forecast at any time until the end of the leasing contract.
Keine Lust zu lesen? 39 Sekunden Video (GER)!

Sebastian Bick, specialist for digital assets, in conversation about reducing forklift costs (in German language)

Total Costs
With the software option ‘Finance‘ of the Mobile Easykey software, the fleet manager keeps an overview of the costs: from the individual forklift to the entire fleet. Investment decisions become much easier. This tool is customizable. Various alarms warn in good time if something ‘gets out of hand’. Freely configurable import filters provide maximum flexibility for automatic recording of costs. The inclusion of operating materials (electricity, diesel, propellant) is also possible and creates even more transparency in the effective operating costs.
Keine Lust zu lesen? 24 Sekunden Video (GER)!

Sebastian Bick, specialist for digital assets, in conversation about reducing forklift costs (in German language)